From One Degree of Glory

Everything is spiritual. Learning to let go of this world readies our hearts for REAL life. But it’s a process. I Corinthians 3:18

Saturday, July 25, 2020






If you have a platform, it’s yours to use. You’ve earned it and have the right, maybe even the duty, to speak out against injustice and to share truth as you see it. But here’s the rub: 

  1. You must be willing to alienate fans, customers, students, children. Although you may convict and convert some, not everyone will agree with you: some will argue; some will transfer their allegiance. Your stance may cost you. Not just may — it probably will. People may choose out of their own conviction not to support you, and that has to be okay. 
  2. You must allow others the same right to speak out, even if their platforms aren’t as tall as yours. However firmly you believe, they do, too. And if you can speak, so can they — with their voices, social media posts, yard signs, votes, and dollars. 
  3. You must continue to listen and learn. Although we tend to grip tightly what we espouse publicly, if you use your platform to speak out, you also have to truly hear what others say— and be ready to shift your position. Yes, be ready to say, “I was wrong” just as loudly as what you first pronounced. Sometimes a humble confession speaks more loudly than any proclamation.

The media won’t like this sort of PR very much, so you may not get the attention you used to. (If you’re taking advantage of inflammatory media coverage to boost sales, shame on you!) But the general public will appreciate an honest dialogue of ideas. 

It’s time. Whatever your position, use it to set an example of conviction and kindness, of open-mindedness and contrition.