From One Degree of Glory

Everything is spiritual. Learning to let go of this world readies our hearts for REAL life. But it’s a process. I Corinthians 3:18

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Speak up, Dearie

Excuse me? What's that?
Were you speaking to me? I didn't hear you.
Turn the radio down so that I can understand you.
You're mumbling... well, maybe, but you ARE mumbling.
Did you say ___?...Oh, well, that's an entirely different matter.

"I thingoo knee do avior earring jacked," my son told me.

At least that's what I heard.

Lack of communication must be the number one cause of generation gap -- undoubtedly because (as my dear Mother so often said) "hearing is the first to go!"

Oh, God, I have ears. . . let me hear. Give me wisdom, discernment, interpretation of all that I hear. Give me a spirit that hears the cries of those hurting around me and the rejoicing of those near in celebration. Give me the music of praise ringing inside my head. Give me enough silence to hear your voice.