From One Degree of Glory

Everything is spiritual. Learning to let go of this world readies our hearts for REAL life. But it’s a process. I Corinthians 3:18

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Rest for the Weary

Today, I must admit frailty. I am exhausted and still have a list of tasks begging attention. To complete them all would be humanly impossible. There is, of course, the "All things are possible with God" principle, but I'm telling you He'd have to stop the sun in its tracks like he did for Joshua at Gibeon. Somehow I don't think the papers I need to grade, the lessons I need to prepare, and the clothes I need to pack are as dire as the battle against the Amorites.

Perhaps what I need is not more time, but better perspective -- the wisdom to set my hand to what is most important rather than most urgent; the wisdom to seek out what is eternal rather than what is temporal; the wisdom to lie down and rest in preparation for another day rather than the foolishness that drives me to work all night and face tomorrow zombified.

Having said that, what am I doing still typing?

God bless, good work, and great faith --



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