From One Degree of Glory

Everything is spiritual. Learning to let go of this world readies our hearts for REAL life. But it’s a process. I Corinthians 3:18

Monday, August 16, 2010

12 Hours

In the next twelve hours I will
brush my teeth.
sleep... dreaming of rows of khaki and plaid clad teenagers, carrying unmarred notebooks and pens with full barrels of blue and black ink.
shower and dress -- what to wear on this most auspicious day?
slurp a cup of coffee and take another along.
check the morning announcements.
greet last year's learners in the hallway on their way to new courses -- a pat on the back, a high five, even an occasional hug.
guide the first 22 students to their seats in Room 214, take attendance, pray, issue books, and ask them to spill just a little of that fresh ink onto fresh paper.
send them on their way to 2nd period.

Unless I don't.

The same could be true of the next 12 months:
No matter the course I map out,
Some surprises are inevitable.

Planning is good; trusting that God knows what He's doing is BETTER.

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